
Striving for a Stronger & Safer Community

Our Mission


Together Against Crime Foundation (TACF) seeks to serve and to protect our communities and people against crimes, illegal acts, negative influences/impacts and discrimination, through collaboration, advocacy, education, public awareness and partnership with law enforcement, news media, communities, and private and public entities along with all individuals, to ensure a healthy and thriving living environment for us and for our future generations.


We strive to accomplish our mission with the following objectives

To unite Asian American Communities to cast a strong voice against crime, discrimination, and to promote community safety and racial equality. In addition, to encourage more fellow Asian Americans to excise our voting rights.

To communicate, collaborate, and unite elected officials, law enforcement authorities, and stakeholders to raise strong safety awareness and better community.

To provide care and support to victims of crimes and discrimination in need and partner with law enforcement and governing entities to deter these offenses from reoccurring. Also urge officials and authorities swiftly apprehend those who committed crimes in our community.


結合亞裔和華人力量,彼此守望相助,杜絕治安敗壞事件發生,使亞裔和華人免於成為被害人的恐懼,鼓勵更多的亞裔和華人朋友們, 行使投票權發出聲音, 讓大家都能安居樂業 。

與地方官員和警方溝通和加強合作,極力要求重視亞裔和華人區的治安和福祉 ,一起打造更好的社區。


我們是為家園治安而一起努力的團隊! 讓我們團結華人和亞裔,共同爭取最安全和諧的生活環境!