We are a team working together for the safety of our community! Let us unite Chinese Americans, Asian Americans, and all concerned residents to strive for the safest and harmonious living environment together!

Our Motto: Actions speak louder than words!

本會的理念: 坐而論道,不如起而行之!

我們是為家園治安而一起努力的團隊! 讓我們團結華裔,亞裔和所有關心的居民,共同爭取最安全和諧的生活環境!

Meet Our Board Members

Ngee Siew Kon 管毅秀



I came from Malaysia to America 51 years ago. I graduated with an MS degree in Chemical Engineering. I worked in Research & Development in the food industry for 35 years. I guarantee your pantry and freezer have some of our products and you have bought and enjoyed our products from Costco, Wal-Mart, Target, or any grocery stores. Do you and your family like to go to McDonald's? Then you like the French fries and ketchup we supply the restaurants. We also provide all the fruit and chocolate fudge toppings for Baskin and Robbin 31 Flavors Ice Cream stores. I enjoyed my career and retired in 2011. My family moved to Walnut, California since 1992. We enjoy living in this beautiful and serene small city. In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, reading, and watching movies. I also enjoy watching the political news and investing in the stock market.

Chuck Sun


Founder & Past President

After a 38 year fulfilling professional career, I am gratefully retired from a major aerospace company. I always have a strong belief and passion to help people whenever I can. Now, having more time under my own will, I am determined to dedicate my time to serving our community as a volunteer with a goal to make our community better.

I am no stranger to volunteering work in the past, I have served as the Chairman and President of BAAPA (Boeing Asian American Professional Association) organization, I was among the very few beginners who started the journey of the BAAPA group in Southern California. Our objectives were to promote racial equality, an opportunity for all, and cultural awareness in Boeing. Through collaboration and outstanding teamwork, we were able to grow our membership from tens of people to hundreds during the early years, and have become one of the most active affinity groups within Boeing. Moreover, I have also served as the Chairman and President of SCAAE (Society of Chinese American Aerospace Engineers), an organization with 500 elite members from Boeing, Honeywell, United Technologies Corporation, General Electric, Northrop-Grumman, Parker Aerospace, and other aerospace companies. During my tenancy, I worked closely with many talented teammates together, and we were able to nurture a strong forum and a network dedicated to all SCAAE members to advance technically and socially, and gain career opportunities as well.

Currently, for TACF, my main focus is to unite people to foster a strong voice against crime, to promote racial equality, and to make our community a safer and harmonious place to live. I believe volunteering to do meaningful things for the community is very self-rewarding, you will feel the joy coming from inside of your heart positively. 

I encourage people who are willing to work for the interest of our society to join us, I am a believer of “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”, let’s roll up our sleeves and work together to build a better future for our community!


Alice Hsiao



A longtime resident in Rowland Heights for more than 40 years. Retired from USPS, Alice has been a part-time volunteer teacher and a part-time Chinese newspaper writer. She published many articles in well known newspapers such as World Journal and earned a great degree of popularity in our Chinese community.

In addition, Alice and her husband Mark are very dedicated couple who have been deeply involved with different large activity groups in our society. In the past, they both work as a team to help many people in our community . They are truly a exemplary model of people who care about friends and neighbors.

Jim Chen


Vice President

Graduate with a Metallurgy & Material Science Engineer degree in mid 70’ from Tainan, Taiwan and worked for China Steel Corp. in Kaohsiung Taiwan for more than 2 years. Later studied at University of Texas at Arlington for 2 years. I Have worked as a power electronic engineer for 18 years.

I joined Chinese American Association of Walnut (CAAW) as board member and Vice President 17 years ago, from 2008, joined Confucius Chinese Language School (CCLS) as board member, and currently serve as Vice President.

I joined the Walnut police station neighborhood watch program as team leader after my own house got broken in about 10 years ago. 

Community security has been getting worse for the last few years. I encourage everyone to join TACF to fight for neighborhood crime. United all our forces together to make our community better tomorrow.

Theresa Lee


Vice President & Spokesperson

My name is Theresa Lee.  I immigrated to US with my parents at the age of 11.  Acquired most of my education in America and I have received a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from the University of Southern California.  Through the opportunity of working with family members, I was fortunate to explore the dynamics of logistics business and Customs brokerage.  As a licensed Customs broker, I am always working to adhere to the rules and regulations of our Federal laws. As our State laws taking a radical approach in criminal justice by passing Prop 47 and 57, our community is being terrorized with rampant crimes.  It is unbearable to see a place where we call home and a place we conduct our business fallen to pray of criminals.  What Happened???  Where are the Law and Justice???   This is the very simple reason why our community needs to form organization (i.e. TACF & VOP) to protect ourselves while stand up and speak out to our legislators over our concerns.  TOGETHER, WE CAN!

Community Services:

Board of Director at Walnut Valley Water District. 

            Chair of the District’s Finance Committee

            Chair of the Engineering & Special Projects

Member of the District’s Debt Ad Hoc Committee

Commissioner at Puente Basin Water Agency

Alternate Member at Spadra Basin GSA Executive Committee

ACWA Region 8 Delegate

ACWA/JPIA Property Program Committee Member

President of Diamond Bar Chinese American Association

Diamond Bar Woman’s Club – Making Spirit Bright (MSB) Committee Member

The Country Estate

            Architecture Committee Member

            Rules Rewrite Committee Member

I am honored to be a TACF Board Member and ready to serve and perform the mission of TACF – Striving for a Stronger and Safer Community!

Sue Ho


Vice President & Spokesperson

Originally born in Taipei, I graduated from FuJen Catholic University in 1986. In 1990, I earned an MBA from the University of Albany in New York.

I have been a resident of Los Angeles for the past 32 years. As a fresh MBA graduate, I began working in the import/export business in downtown Los Angeles and later opened a wholesale trading company with my friends. For the past 23 years, I have engaged in importing and wholesale, participated in trade shows and buying goods in other states. To better balance my career with supporting my children’s academic success and extracurricular development, I transitioned to working as a US-based purchasing agent for a Taiwanese engineering company.

My passion for volunteering began during my time as a college student at FuJen Catholic University. I organized student teams to go to the countryside all across the entire island of Taiwan to conduct government-funded surveys on eating habits for the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan, in order to better understand lifestyle factors associated with chronic health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

After participating as a parent chaperone in multiple youth-oriented organizations from 2008-2014, I sought further opportunities to be independently engaged in community activities.

These activities include:

1. Assisting the underprivileged and helping to solve their problems or difficulties to help them start their new lives.

2. Caring for the infirm and elderly by providing companionship and assisting with daily living needs.

3. Caring for friends and neighbors who are terminally ill with cancer.

4. Organizing the redistribution of community resources (such as clothes, household items) to families in need, from the local community to as far as Mexico.

5. Providing emotional support for neighbors, friends and family experiencing various life difficulties.

6. Providing guidance to local youth and concerned parents on college applications and extracurricular development.

In recent years, I joined the WanYu Foundation to further dedicate my time to charity work. I provide logistical support to the foundation by organizing the food, daily necessities and clothing donated by various local businesses and then distributing these donations to churches in need and various disadvantaged groups.

Providing compassion and support to the underprivileged and needy is my life’s purpose. However, in the past few years, the social climate has become increasingly more negative and the problem of public safety has become more serious. After witnessing the resulting disruption to daily living as well as the negative mental impact these crimes have had on community members, I resolved to make use of my years of experience in community service to advocate for greater community safety. To be able to live and work safely and happily is a fundamental expectation that all community members have. To achieve this, I aim to increase community safety awareness, advocate on behalf of victims of crime, and increase community engagement in crime prevention alongside members of law enforcement.

David Fang 方孝偉


Legal Consultant

Attorney David S.W. Fang has been practicing law for over 30 years. From 1981-1984, while working at Lee and Li Attorneys at Law in Taipei, Taiwan, Attorney David Fang assisted in representing Fortune Top 500 companies in commercial and intellectual property cases. Attorney David Fang is not only well-familiarized with the two different legal systems of the United States and the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, but he also maintains an extensive, in-depth understanding of the business, social, different cultural, and other current special situations of the two countries. Among the Chinese community Businessmen and legal field of Southern California, Attorney David Fang has received a well-deserved reputation, which has led to a high recognition in the Chinese communities.

In 1992, Attorney David Fang became one of the first successful lawyers to obtain Permanent Resident Cards for Chinese citizens through the Entrepreneur Investor Visa EB5 (by investments of USD Five Hundred Thousand dollars or USD One Million dollars); thus, resulting in this reputation as one of the pioneer attorneys in EB-5 program. Since then, Attorney David Fang’s successful cases have exceeded more than 400 Immigrant Investor Visa approvals. Practicing in California for 30 years, he has represented many commercial investments, company mergers, real estate hotel development, and investment cases.


Bachelor of Law, National Taiwan University

California Juris Doctor

Advisory Committee of Peking University Southern California Alumni Association

Advisory Committee of Tsinghua University Southern California Alumni Association

Deputy Chief Supervisor of the American Federation of Chinese Association

Member of the American Bar Association and California Bar Association

Founding President of the California Business Foundation

1999 President of the Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California

1997-1998 President of the Southern California National Taiwan University Alumni

Advisor of North America Accountant Association for 10 years

1997-1998 and 2021 President of Hacienda Heights Chinese American Association

Founding President of the Hacienda Heights Dynasty Lions Club


1. Anchor Host of U.S. UBest satellite TV, live radio “Law and Life” program

2. Won the American elitist Who’s Who award

3. United States Phoenix TV, ETTV, Sky Link TV, Los Angeles television station Channel 18, Los Angeles AM1300/1600 radio, as well as Taiwan’s TVBS television special legal commentator.

4. U.S. World Journal, China Press, Sing Tao Daily, China Daily, Taiwan Times, International Daily News legal columnist.

5. Invitation to National Judges College in Beijing, China for Congress lectures – “Intellectual Property” of Counterfeiting and The Proper Attitude of the Judiciary in September 2006.

6. Invitation with the family to President Obama for a picnic on the South Lawn of the White House in 2016.

7. Advisory team for Congresswoman Judy Chu and Former California State Treasurer John Chiang for nearly 10 years.

Faye Lee



I was born and raised in Taiwan, and came to US in 1979.  Having a MS degree in Food Science & Technology from Texas A&M University, I used to work and develop name branded products, and luckily enough to contacted with people of different levels to complete the projects. 

It is my belief to make contributions to the society besides jobs.  Through years, I joined different groups for helping people in the suburban areas.  I also involved in school district matters while my children were in school.   In addition, I also volunteered in medical supports in checking people’s cholesterol, in donating blood, in receiving CPR training, as well as other natural treatments for helping people’s health.  

After retirement, as the safety of our society ran downhill, I felt lucky enough to run into TACF.  After realizing it’s goal and mission, I have supported the activities without any reservations.  

Among all the TACF’s activities, it is worth mentioning that with AM 1300’s great support, TACF created a program in publicizing the real criminal cases into the broadcasting media , the purpose is to bringing up people’s awareness in fighting against the crimes to build up a better future.  I am a proponent and supporter to this meaningful effort. 


Kitty Twu



1969, two years after I graduated from National Taiwan University, I came to America. Received my MBA the following year. In 1979 received my California-certified public account license. I had worked in various big companies in auditing, finance, accounting, taxation, and contracts before my retirement from Jet Propulsion Laboratory six years ago. I have lived in Hacienda Heights for 47 years. Now I enjoy family time with my 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren. I like to study various subjects, especially in the body, mind, and spirit arena. As long as I can, I would like to contribute back to society.

Deputy Louis Denver


Advisory Board

Started to career my criminal justice career as an Associate probation officer with the San Bernardino County Probation Department. In 1994 sworn into the Tustin Police Department as a reserve police officer. In 1995 hired as a Deputy Sheriff for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. I worked at Men’s central jail, Temple sheriff’s station, Lakewood sheriff's station, and Industry sheriff's station. In 2008, assigned to the Walnut Sheriff station as a field training officer teaching deputies how to perform the duties of a patrol deputy. In 2012 appointed to the Rowland Heights Community Relations position.

As a community relations deputy, I educate the Rowland Heights community on crime prevention and emergency preparedness issues. Some of the programs I have initiated in this position.

1. With Pacific clinics at Rowland Unified schools, I speak to children about bullying, gangs, and drugs.

2. I meet with parents and discuss topics such as bullying, gang prevention, drug usage, internet safety, as well as topics of children’s safety (stranger danger and bicycle safety)

3. With administrators and teachers, I speak on personal security and school safety. I am an instructor on active shooter education and conduct threat assessment on businesses, school sites, and interfaith organizations.

4. I am a disaster preparation coordinator

5. With the adult school, I speak on the topics of American law enforcement, laws, community safety, and disaster preparedness.

6. I am the East Patrol Division Terrorism Liaison Coordinator.

In November of 2020, I was partnered with Deputy Claudia Maldonado. All the above-mentioned duties are now are a collaborative effort shared by both of us.

Deputy Claudia Maldonado


Advisory Board

My name is Claudia Maldonado, I have been with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for eleven years. For five years I worked as a Custody Assistant for the Los Angeles County Jails System. I graduated from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department as a Deputy Sheriff in 2014. I worked in the female facility of  Century Regional Detention Facility from 2014-2017.  In August 2017,  I completed patrol training at Norwalk Station. I worked at Norwalk Station from 2017-2019 which included patrolling the cities of Norwalk, Whittier, and La Mirada.

In 2019, I transferred to Walnut Station to be closer to my family.  December of 2020, I was honored to receive the position of Special Assignment Officer (SAO) and partnered with Deputy Louie Denver as a Community Relations Deputy for the unincorporated community of Rowland Heights. Our duties include public crime education, monitoring the crime trends that affect the unincorporated areas and conducting operations to mitigate crimes that have increased.  

 I also work alongside Deputy Denver as the Station terrorism liaison. We believe in securing the community from potential future threats involving crime, natural disasters, and possible vulnerabilities to terrorism.   I enjoy serving the community of Rowland Heights and making sure that the residents feel safe in their neighborhoods.

Sergeant David Chi

Advisory Board

Like many striving immigrant Californians, as a teenager in the 1980s, I immigrated with my family to Orange County, California from Costa Rica.

With a strong passion for being a police officer, I was determined to start my law enforcement career with Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in 2002 as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff at Walnut / Diamond Bar Sheriff Station. Then I became a full-time Deputy Sheriff in November 2006 fulfilling my dream. My first assignment as a full-time Deputy Sheriff was at Men’s Central Jail. In 2009, I was reassigned to Walnut/Diamond Bar Station, Patrol Operations.

From 2011 to 2013, I was selected to work for the elite Asian Gang Task Force specifically targeting at Asian Gang-related crimes like drug trafficking, drug dealings, extortion, human trafficking, etc…

In July 2014, I was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and assigned to the Inmate Reception Center.  In December 2019, I returned to Walnut/ Diamond Bar Sheriff Station and worked as the field Sergeant. Currently, I am assigned to LASD Communications and Fleet Management, working as the Bridge Watch Commander.

Working as a devoted peace officer has always been my greatest dream and passion!  I love my job and enjoy helping our communities by sharing my years of law enforcement experiences on fighting and preventing crimes. It is such a rewarding feeling when I see the impact of our law enforcement efforts making a positive difference to our people.

I am fluent in both Chinese and English, in the past; I have utilized my bilingual skills

1. To help the Chinese community better understand how law enforcement functions.

2. To bridge the gap of language barriers on reporting and preventing crimes.

3. To build a closer relationship between law enforcement and our communities.

I am certain to continue doing my best helping my communities in the future.


Sergeant Supervisory School (LASD), Training Officer School (LASD), Undercover School

(LASD), Search Warrant and Informant Management Class (LASD), Cal Gang, Parole Leads,

Street Racing Course (LASD), Informant Development Class (CNOA), Asian Organized Crime

and Terrorism (Las Vegas Metro PD), Wire Tapping Class (DOJ), Gang Awareness Training

(OC Gang Investigators), Introductory Internal Affairs (LASD), Drug Abuse Recognition (LA

County Peace Officer Association), Tagger and Graffiti Culture (LA County DA Office), Gangs

101 (LASD/RCPI), Street Racing and Modified Vehicle Investigation (LASD), Indoor Cannabis

Cultivation (MCTC), Gangs 101 (St. Petersburg College), and Patrol School (LASD)

Arlene Chang


Broadcasting Team Leader

  • Co-founder of L.A. Pinnacle Insurance Agency (a business leader in SoCal and within the Asian Community.

  • 28 years of experience in both corporate and entrepreneurial endeavors

  • A resident of Hacienda Heights and Rowland Heights for 40+ years.

Vivian Chang

(VOP 共同主席)

VOP Committee Co-Chair

From Taipei, Taiwan, came to the United States to study in 1990, majoring in business management. 

I have been a Diamond Bar resident for 28+ years. 

I am honored and have the heart to serve the Diamond Bar community.

My community service includes:

Walnut/ Diamond Bar Police Department Volunteer On Patrol (VOP)

 Secretary to the Director of the Well-Membered Southern California  Tsai Hsing Alumni Association

 The Church in Diamond Bar  Service Volunteers

I have been in the real estate profession for over 17+ years and I have always adhered to the spirit of "treating people with sincerity" to serve friends who have real estate needs.

I joined the group shortly after the beginning of "Community Safety is Everyone's Responsibility", and I agree with the philosophy of TACF.  TACF has been vigorously promoting VOP to maintain community safety during this time.

I was very impressed and it made me take the initiative to contact Mr. Kon, to sign up. Along the way, I worked hard with the teammates of the TACF and the VOP team. Everyone has encouraged each other and completed various tasks together.  I become the first Chinese female VOP in Diamond Bar , and I started patrolling the community to promote a safe environment for everyone.

I hope I can do my part to help TACF, so more people can join in this meaningful service to the community!

Gail Wang


Chairperson, Community Service Committee

I was born in Taiwan, moved to America in 1981 and a resident of Walnut for 20 years.  I have bachelor degree in accounting major along with over 30 years accounting/finance experience in Distributor, Manufacturer, Hospital and fortune 500 companies.  Currently, a retired CFO and would love to serve the community.

Community Experience:

· PTA volunteer

· Creekside Dance Group leader

· CAAW (Chinese American Association of Walnut) Board of Directors / Treasurer


· Travel

· Dance

· Karaoke


· Support and help community

Paul Chang

Chairperson, IT Committee & Webmaster

I am from Taipei, Taiwan and have been living in Los Angeles since June 1984. After graduated from California State University, Northridge with a Master degree in Computer Science, I worked for various good size companies as a computer programmer, project manager, and web development manager since 1988 to 2011. From 2016 to 2022, I worked for a real estate company managing 100+ residential properties.

In March 2021, I was honored to be introduced by our co-founder Alice Hsiao to join TACF and become a board member.

I retired in March 2022, and now I will be able to devote more time to TACF and hope to assist accomplishing TACF’s mission, that is:

We are a team working together for the safety of our community.”

Kechin Wen


Board Member, IT & Webmaster Committee

I immigrated with my family to Southern California from Kaohsiung, Taiwan when I was 19 years old. Before I came, I studied one year in Providence University majored in English Language, Literature and Linguistics.

After arriving US, I continued my path toward pursuing higher education, I received two bachelor’s degrees from California State University, Fullerton in Photo Communications (BA), and Computer Graphics (BFA). In addition, I received a BS degree from DeVry University, Long Beach in Information Technology later on.

For the past 21 years, I worked in the IT field at Community Development Department (LBCD) with City of Long Beach. I am responsible for LBCD website internet/intranet maintenance, monitoring, graphics/forms/photos editing, desktop publishing, and servicing as the Department webmaster which includes handling all updates and postings as needed by the Bureaus and Executive Office. I am also functioning as a production assistant for special events, such as outreach activities or as a field photographer for the Long Beach City.

Now I live in Irvine which is a well-organized city. In my spare time, I am involved many community activities, and I have strong passion for volunteering work. It’s my pleasure to work together with many fine people in TACF. I consider it is a great honor to be a TACF board member and I love to contribute my skills to serve our communities.

Life is full of possibilities! Let’s make the best of it!

Sherry Yang


Board Member

I immigrated to the United States from China for more than 20 years. Now I live in Hacienda Heights and am a registered nurse. Feel so much rewarding with my occupation and enjoy living in this beautiful neighborhood. In my spare time, I like to get together with friends and families. Finding time to hike, dance, travel and participate in meaningful community activities ... Because of a series of crimes in recent years, I feel that as a Chinese-American citizen, I am worried about the future of this Country, next generation’s education, safety and our community security. 

It is a great honor to join TACF and realize that it is a very organized, meaningful and promising Chinese community working together for the safety of the Asian community. I feel fulfilled and rewarding to serve the community within my limited time and ability with TACF. 

Grace Cho


Board Member, News Media Committee

I was born in Tainan, my family moved to Taipei when I was in elementary school. Later on in Taipei, I finished my schooling and graduated from a well know business college in Taipei. During my study in college, I was inspired by a assiduous professor Chen Shiqi who had worked for the “Times” newspaper in the UK for many years. From him, I learned how to broaden my view, and to cater my focus on the news to the national and international level. After graduation from college, I worked for a German company, Boehringer Ingleheim Pharmaceuticals as a secretary to managers in Taiwan.

In 1981, I came to US to study Applied Arts in Rochester Institute of Technology, NY. I moved to CA in 1987 to study in Northrop University and earned my MBA degree in Finance in 1989. I then joined the LA branch office of a leading logistics company headquartered in Taiwan. I started in accounting then moved to ocean import, air import, customs broker, warehousing, trucking, export and the whole supply chain operations. After 35 years of dedicated service in this company, I am planning to retire in February, 2024.

I lived in Diamond Bar for many years. The recent increased crime rates in our surrounding drew my attention to TACF. It’s my great pleasure to join TACF and work together with many wonderful people. I am looking forward to meaningful and challenging work ahead of us to make our community better.

I have passion and am able to contribute my skills and time to help TACF advancing to reach her goals. I strongly believe that through our unity and strength, we can make history and revive CA back to her glory days!