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A nonprofit 501c3 organization


🔔🔔  TACF 公告  🔔🔔

 2024.09.30 7:00 PM - 鄭博仁律師 - 11月份大選的重要性

如果您仍有大選和投票問題,請參加我們這個令人興奮的研討會。 策劃一場研討會需要付出大量的努力和協調。 這可能是我們今年面臨的重要選舉投票前的最後一次研討會。非常歡迎大家参加以下由鄭博仁律師主講的Zoom 研討會。

TACF Edeavors:

TACF is working hard for our community, your support is our greatest motivation...


To enhance the safety of our communities, TACF is announcing 2 fantastic programs suitable for everyone to participate in.

1. Volunteer on Patrol (VOP) Program:

VOP program will fit lots of people who are interested to help our Sheriff and our communities. Many TACF Board Members are leading the charge by signing up VOP program to serve, please see the VOP flyer for more details. This is a great way to contribute to yourself and help protect our communities.

2. Reserved Deputy Program:

This is another strong way to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property. Please see the Reserved Deputy flyer for more details. Join the force, and become a reserved deputy! For those who might consider a law enforcement career in the future, this program prepares you well for it.

TACF works closely with the Walnut Sheriff Station and is sincerely promoting these 2 programs for the safety of our communities.

TACF recognizes this is a critical moment in time for all of us. Come! We encourage everyone to join any of these 2 programs to be a powerful force to protect our communities, where we and our second-generation live.

TACF VOP (Volunteers on Patrol) News

TACF VOP Team was formed by TACF Founder Chuck Sun and TACF President Ngee Kon back in June of 2022. As a matter of fact, TACF was “the very first” community based organization started organizing and successfully establishing a VOP (Volunteers in Patrol) team in Los Angeles Asian community.

From the beginning, these two leaders have continuously put in tremendous efforts to recruit local residents to join TACF VOP team, they are the believers of “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”, so they decidedly committed themselves in the program and sweat with all the team members in every step of the training. After successfully passed the training by LA Sheriff department, all the dedicated volunteers are enthusiastically serving our local residents and have devoted their personal hours into the patrol service for our community. TACF has nicely sow the seeds of the VOP program which will flourish in time within Los Angeles Asian community.

TACF大力推動的TACF VOP警局團隊, 成立於2022年的6月. 這工作團隊是由TACF創會會長 Chuck Sun 和會長 Ngee Kon 從零開始, 一步一腳印打拼, 花了很大的心血而建立起來的! 事實上, TACF是洛杉磯亞裔社區「第一個」開始組織並成功建立VOP(警局巡邏隊)團隊的社區組織。

從開始, 兩位領導者 Chuck Sun 和 Ngee Kon 就不斷付出努力, 招募當地居民加入TACF VOP團隊, 他們是「坐而論道,不如起而行之」的信徒, 所以他們毅然將自己投身到計畫中, 與團隊成員們在訓練中一起揮灑汗水。在順利通過洛杉磯警局部門的培訓後, 巡邏隊員已熱心參與地方的治安工作, 無私在服務社區百姓, 為大家做了許多貢獻! TACF 播下了很好的 VOP 計畫的種子, 並會在洛杉磯亞裔社區蓬勃發展。

TACF的巡邏隊成員有創會會長“Chuck Sun 孫嘉康”, 會長" Ngee Kon 管毅秀", 理事 "Vivian 張", TACF 隊友 "TJ 謝", "Chwen 施", "David 顧", "Diana 薛" .. 等等

在華人社區, 這一群熱心的警局巡邏隊朋友們, 無償的奉獻上自己時間和力量, 為你我的安全盡上一份心力... TACF感謝這些優秀巡邏隊員在咱們多元化的社區, 服務各族裔的居民, 讓非華裔的人們看到華人在社區積極的付出, 他們真是華人之光, 也給有志服務社區的人們樹立了好榜樣!

TACF VOP Team 是個有團隊精神大家庭! 在VOP Team 中, 你會遇到許多志同道合, 願意付出的朋友! 相信大家都覺得過去我們華人缺少社區的參與, 我們可一起改變這種現象! 當我們做為VOP在執勤時, 我們所服務的是整個社區, 會包括所有的族裔百姓! 讓所有人都對我們華裔刮目相看!

朋友們想了解如何加入這有意義的服務, 或有任何問題, 請聯絡TACF 626-7338788, TACF VOP的大家庭歡迎你..💕💕💕

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

TACF 呼籲朋友們積極參與 「TACF VOP」

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

TACF VOP 參與地方治安工作, 無私服務社區.

創會會長 Chuck Sun, 會長 Ngee Kon 和核桃市警局局長 Steve Tousey

TACF 呼籲朋友們積極參與 「TACF VOP」服務社區

Business Safety Coalition

In order to provide a better environment for local businesses to flourish, TACF is launching an important grassroots initiative called "Business Safety Coalition".

The value of having this "Business Safety Coalition" Initiative is:

When a crime happened in our community, businesses possibly would know about it through newspapers or some other means the next day, but the importance of “time is of the essence” is not accomplished. With that in mind, TACF is proposing the establishment of the “Business Safety Coalition”, which will invite a large network of businesses together, create a single platform and bring everyone on the same page ASAP when crimes happened. As a result, within minutes of any crime being committed, all businesses who join the Coalition will know this criminal activity instantaneously. When every business in the crime region is aware of what just happened, they will take quick steps to make sure the criminals have little chance of doing the same thing to them, thus likely preventing second or third victims in the community. Instant detailed crime information will be transmitted and served as a protective warning to all businesses who are in the Coalition network. Our crime prevention safety platform is created with the mindset of use by all, beneficial to all. On the flip side, this will be bad news to the criminals who want to commit crimes in our community since their criminal activities will be shared instantly with others hence increasing the likelihood of them being caught. This is an important step to further achieve a safer environment for local businesses operating in our community. Our objective is to provide greater safety for the businesses, an opportunity to function proactively by joining hands together to fight crimes. The service provided by TACF is free and every business is welcome to join this platform to make use of this powerful tool to deter and fight crimes.

Unity is strength! TACF intends to implement the following:

1. Work with the sheriff and local businesses to build trust among all parties, through understanding and collaborations such as training and visiting local businesses, the safety of the community will be improved greatly.

2. When the news of this mutually protective Coalition spreads to the criminal world, they will know there is a strong anti-criminal network that exists in our business community, potential criminals likely would not choose here to commit crimes.

This new network - Business Safety Coalition will be led by the organization of TACF, which offers this valuable, free service to the community. Not only do we desire our residents to live safely, but we also desire our local businesses to be safe! This platform is open to all businesses, Asian or non-Asian businesses. TACF will help to connect all willing businesses, assist to report the crime to the police, and help to improve the relationship between Police departments and local businesses. After implementation, we believe the network can deter crimes and make criminals think twice about coming to our community. 

TACF will screen all applicants to ensure they are legitimate businesses. TACF is working closely with the Walnut Sheriff Department and Deputy Louis Denver is supportive of the exciting Coalition idea. The holiday season is fast approaching and this is the high season for criminal activities. TACF is urging all businesses to sign up for this Coalition so we will put the protective network in place and start functioning. TACF welcomes more volunteers to join in and work together for this meaningful project in our community.

「社區治安人人有責群組」(TACF)4日宣布成立「商家聯防同盟」(Business Safety Coalition),旨在將商家聯合起來,即時分享當地犯罪信息,讓商家及時警惕,並守望相助,預防、打擊針對商家的犯罪。

TACF表示,商家特別是有現金流動的,最容易招不法分子「垂涎」。TACF將在會長Chuck孫的帶領下,建立一個LINE平台,吸引華裔及非華裔的商家加入。透過平台,大家可以及時聯繫,商家如遇到騷擾、滋事、 偷竊或搶劫,可以馬上傳給平台上所有的商家們, 讓大家提高警覺。 如有必要,群组也將幫忙聯絡警員協助。


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TACF 呼籲商家朋友們積極參與 「商業聯防同盟」

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